Agriculture Mulch Film

India is an agricultural country and more than 75% population are dependent on agriculture. In agriculture, rapid growth of weed, insects and pests are the major problems.

The modern way to deal with them is mulch film that saves cost of expensive chemicals, save water up to 70%, save labour. It is used to control the weed, reduces salinity, fertiliser leaching and soil erosion and also help better yield of crops. It is also ideal to ensure better root developments owing to its non-light transferring feature that creates darkness under the film and ensure complete nutrition uptake.

We are manufacturer of multi-layer mulching films to meet a wide range of specifications. Our films are used for drip irrigation of vegetables, fruits, orchards, etc. to grow Cleaner vegetables, maintains quality & beauty of fruits.


It is used to control the weed, reduces salinity, fertiliser leaching and soil erosion and also help better yield of crops.

Features & Advantages

Prevents the direct evaporation of moisture form the soil and thus limits the water losses and conserves moisture

Prevents the rise of water containing salts by evaporation

Reduce weed germination and growth

Control growth of weeds

Adjust light and heat conditions and provides the optimal root level temperature

Reduction of irrigation frequency and water saving in irrigated areas

Reflective Silver Mulch Films repel the incidence of insects

Reduces fertilizer leaching

Reduces drowning of crops

Early and better harvest

Useful for Better yield of crop & Enhances crop quality

Prevents soil erosion by wind and rain